Write your awesome label here.
In this 8 module course you
will learn how to get access to the deepest part of yourself. Together we will
explore the benefits of this pursuit...
- By coming into harmony with the source of who you are; You are brought into alignment with the source of all that is.
- Connect with higher forces that empower you, give you courage and energy to realise the latent happiness within you.
- We will explore a helpful map of consciousness and lay out an easy way to connect with this precious inner resource.
- During each module you will experience a new HeadCleaner exercise, a visual journey designed to help you connect with higher forces.
- The six modules bring you step by step through the process and each lesson builds upon the previous one.
- The course culminates with a full immersion where you will put all the parts together into one complete Master Experience.
- The HeadCleaner Experience teaches you tools for consciousness exploration and supports you connect with higher forces.
- This connection leaves you calm, relaxed and at ease with yourself and the world.
- A pleasing re-arrangement of consciousness occurs from which your innate happiness arises.
HeadCleaner meditations are so well done. So beautiful, so profound, and I
truly had no idea how deep that they would take me into my own psyche into my
own transformation. I'm so grateful for the opportunity. And I'm so grateful
for Geoff for creating this and for sharing this with the world."
–HeadCleaner Participant
–HeadCleaner Participant
This course is for you — if you...
Are ready to reclaim your awareness in order to enjoy it in your own chosen way.
Believe and feel there is a deep intelligence within you.
Have had moments when you felt a strong connection with your intuition.
Would like an easy consistent method for accessing your inner wisdom.
Feel sometimes your relationship with your devices is less than wholesome.
You are concerned about the collective effect of algorithms on our awareness.
You feel deep down there is more to reality than infinite scrolls, hearts and thumbs up.
You have a desire to dive into the deeper dimensions to see more, be more and become more for yourself and for the benefit of others.
not normally a fan of guided meditation, or supplementing visualisations with
videos and music. But what Geoff has put together is really quite
extraordinary. And I highly recommend it."
–HeadCleaner Participant
–HeadCleaner Participant
What makes HeadCleaner unique?
The HeadCleaner Method and how it works

have to say I was sceptical at first like thinking I'm going to look at a
screen and you know, try to get into a meditation. But I put my headphones on
and I was so deeply moved by Geoff’s voice and how he put together these amazing journeys in video form with
music, and I was pretty surprised.
I was definitely pleasantly surprised and had the experience of doing a few of these through the course of the weekend. And a week later, I'm still I'm still thinking about it and wishing that I could experience those again, a great tool. A great project and I can't wait to experience another HeadCleaner session."
–HeadCleaner Participant
I was definitely pleasantly surprised and had the experience of doing a few of these through the course of the weekend. And a week later, I'm still I'm still thinking about it and wishing that I could experience those again, a great tool. A great project and I can't wait to experience another HeadCleaner session."
–HeadCleaner Participant
are inadequate for me to describe the powerful experience of love of myself and
others that I felt during the experience of HeadCleaner. It's been so helpful
that I wish to repeat it many times."
–HeadCleaner Participant
–HeadCleaner Participant
Module Outline
really grateful for the opportunity to have had the HeadCleaner experience last
weekend. First of all, I'd like to say, the sophistication and creativity and
how well integrated it is. The visuals and the music, and Geoff’s guidance, his prompts were really
wonderful. And for me, it induced me into a quite a powerful experience. So
it's something I would definitely recommend it and something that I would
really like to do again."
–HeadCleaner Participant
–HeadCleaner Participant
you for sharing your HeadCleaner experience with us last Saturday. It was a
very interesting, calming peaceful experience, one that I think does a lot of
good in this time of turmoil and unprecedented change. And it was very
refreshing. Thank you very much!"
–HeadCleaner Participant
–HeadCleaner Participant
Meet the host and founder of headcleaner
Geoff Fitzpatrick

Advertising, Meditation, Psychology and Tibetan Sand Mandalas do not typically “go together” like shoes and socks. But that’s me!
I live in Dublin, Ireland with my wife and two teenage daughters. From an early age, I have had a healthy desire to understand what drives our behaviour and why we become who we are.
Living in this western capitalist world, courtesy of where I was born, I’ve found myself creating 2 indie advertising companies. As much as I love my work in advertising, I need more than that. I have a deep longing to add meaning to my life, and I can’t help but wonder all the time about the bigger questions…… What’s it all about?
For over 2 decades now I have been on a quest to understand the deeper workings of my psyche. In college, I studied the works of pioneering motivational psychologist Abraham Maslow. I started to practice meditation regularly 20 years ago. Perhaps most significantly of all, I began a journey of extensive training in Transpersonal Psychology that lasted 15 years.
Dr. Stanislav Grof has spent 6 decades distilling a map of the mind that I have explicitly adopted into everything I do. I proudly certified in his school of training in 2015. Additionally, I have organically developed a deep meditation technique involving the creation of geometric sand mandalas, and hosted over 50 workshops offering this unique way to deeply explore consciousness. I am a Guest Teacher with the international psychology school I trained with, and have hosted weeklong retreats in Ireland, Austria and Tasmania.
Working with hundreds of people in expanded states of consciousness, together with my deepening insight into the mechanics of the advertising industry, has resulted in an unlikely marriage. It has provided me with a unique perspective through which I attempt as best I can to understand how our psyches work and how they are influenced.
In recent years, particularly with the rise of algorithms, I have devoted most of my free time to reading, researching and understanding the inordinate hold our devices now have over our precious psyches.
Bringing groups of people together in the real world for meaningful inner experiences drives me. I have a sincere belief that each of us has a special resource inside ourselves. You could call this your common sense, or your higher self, your intuition or simply your gut feeling. We all have this still small voice within. This is the source of our most creative ideas. There is an inner intelligence inside each of us that holds the potential to guide us through any challenge, reveal insights and enable breakthroughs.
HeadCleaner is an antidote, a counterbalance to the tsunami of distractions that relentlessly bombard us. Ultimately, my mission is to share the experience with as many people as I can. My intent is to support people to get the time, space and permission to disconnect from their devices. This can facilitate a graceful reconnection with the single greatest resource inside us all. The inner light of our own awareness.
I believe if we all simply lived from here, we would live in a beautiful world!
I live in Dublin, Ireland with my wife and two teenage daughters. From an early age, I have had a healthy desire to understand what drives our behaviour and why we become who we are.
Living in this western capitalist world, courtesy of where I was born, I’ve found myself creating 2 indie advertising companies. As much as I love my work in advertising, I need more than that. I have a deep longing to add meaning to my life, and I can’t help but wonder all the time about the bigger questions…… What’s it all about?
For over 2 decades now I have been on a quest to understand the deeper workings of my psyche. In college, I studied the works of pioneering motivational psychologist Abraham Maslow. I started to practice meditation regularly 20 years ago. Perhaps most significantly of all, I began a journey of extensive training in Transpersonal Psychology that lasted 15 years.
Dr. Stanislav Grof has spent 6 decades distilling a map of the mind that I have explicitly adopted into everything I do. I proudly certified in his school of training in 2015. Additionally, I have organically developed a deep meditation technique involving the creation of geometric sand mandalas, and hosted over 50 workshops offering this unique way to deeply explore consciousness. I am a Guest Teacher with the international psychology school I trained with, and have hosted weeklong retreats in Ireland, Austria and Tasmania.
Working with hundreds of people in expanded states of consciousness, together with my deepening insight into the mechanics of the advertising industry, has resulted in an unlikely marriage. It has provided me with a unique perspective through which I attempt as best I can to understand how our psyches work and how they are influenced.
In recent years, particularly with the rise of algorithms, I have devoted most of my free time to reading, researching and understanding the inordinate hold our devices now have over our precious psyches.
Bringing groups of people together in the real world for meaningful inner experiences drives me. I have a sincere belief that each of us has a special resource inside ourselves. You could call this your common sense, or your higher self, your intuition or simply your gut feeling. We all have this still small voice within. This is the source of our most creative ideas. There is an inner intelligence inside each of us that holds the potential to guide us through any challenge, reveal insights and enable breakthroughs.
HeadCleaner is an antidote, a counterbalance to the tsunami of distractions that relentlessly bombard us. Ultimately, my mission is to share the experience with as many people as I can. My intent is to support people to get the time, space and permission to disconnect from their devices. This can facilitate a graceful reconnection with the single greatest resource inside us all. The inner light of our own awareness.
I believe if we all simply lived from here, we would live in a beautiful world!